Can you build a backyard rink on top of a septic system?

Can you build a backyard rink on top of a septic system? We have seen this question pop up a lot in our Facebook group.

We were able to get an answer from a licensed septic installer in CT. He is a member of our group. His answer was straight up, NO! He went into further detail as to the reasoning:

You should not have anything with substantial weight on top of your leaching field. You will compress the leaching system, pipe, and sand/stone around it and cause quicker failure. Water weighs approx 8lbs/gallon. There’s 7.5 gallons in a cubic foot. An average rink of 20’x40’ with average of 6” of water in it has 400 cubic feet of water, or 2,992 gallons of water which equates to about 24,000lbs of water sitting on top of your liner or over your leaching system. This will severely affect the performance of a leaching system.